CBC is a competency Based Curriculum that was rolled out to replace the 8.4.4 system of education.

Competency-based learning refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating that they have learned the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education.

(Simon Priest, 2014)

Competency-based learning is generally seen as an alternative to the current educational approach in which learners may not acquire proficiency in a course or academic subject not unless they earn course credit, get promoted to the next grade level or graduate.

CBC is focused more on competencies, it’s flexible with an opportunity for specialisation, balanced, formative and summative assessment and excellence, it emphasises on education and learning

Grade 1, 2, 3, 4

The grade 1, 2, 3 & 4 learners have been introduced to new terms and ways of learning.

We now talk about learning areas, strands and sub-strands, outcomes and expectations among the key words.

This has made them appreciate the change of times for a 21st century learner.

Digital literacy is now key as learners are introduced to digital devices.

Learning is to the learners. Pupils interact with learning materials with the teacher being a facilitator. The learning areas now are:

  1. Literacy Activities
  2. Kiswahili Language Activities/Kenya Sign Language
  3. English Language Activities
  4. Mathematics Activities
  5. Environmental Activities
  6. Hygiene and Nutrition Activities
  7. Religious Activities
  8. Movement and Creative Activities

(Art & Craft, Music and Movement Activities)

  1. Pastoral Programme of Instruction

In addition grade 4 have the following learning areas:

  1. Social studies
  2. Science and Technology
  3. Home Science
  4. Agriculture
  5. Environment
  6. Creative Arts (Art, craft and Music)
  7. Physical and Health Education

All this enable learners acquire competences to make them be part of problem solving in their immediate environment. Learning is now integral to class, home and community at large.

The inquiry based learning follows a three step process: what do I know, what do I want and what have I learned about the strands. This leads to the acquisition of competencies.

For Strathmore school, the Grade 4 early last year picked up the system that culminated into ‘cleaning the market project’

This year has seen them acquire many skills among them; skills of the online classes with self-manipulation of the digital devices. This has really enhanced digital literacy.

Other competencies have been through sports, washing utensils, using improvised materials, making water safe for drinking, preparing the land for planting, preparing manure, sewing, shoe polishing, cooking just to name a few.

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