Tell us about yourself?

My name is Felix Saiya. I have a P1 certificate and diploma in education and I have taught for 9 years in three different schools: Irigithai in Githurai 45, Makini School and now at Strathmore. I teach Swahili, Math and Science to class 2 to 4 pupils.

 What inspired you to come to Strathmore School?

I desired to be part of a team that instils discipline in their students.

 What is your experience in Strathmore School so far?

It has been minimal for I have been here for only a month but I was in a teacher’s seminar in Lukenya and the teachers were warm and welcoming towards me.

 What mode of correction do you use?

I believe in dialogue so as to know what the problem is.

 According to you what are the elements of a good student at Strathmore School?

To me a student has to have the following elements: discipline, willingness to learn, honesty and hard work. I like to focus on the whole formation in nurturing a child not only in academics but also in sports.

 How do you like the facilities in Strathmore School?

I have not seen the whole school yet but so far in my opinion the facilities are excellent.

 How would you improve the learning experience in Strathmore School?

I would improve the school by bringing creativity to the leaners through writing and reading of story books.

 What do you think about our tutoring system in Strathmore School?

I think it is really good as the tutor mentors and advices the student and he always has time for the student.

 What sport activities do you participate in?

I play handball mainly and football.

What are your hobbies?

I am an author of K.C.P.E C.R.E and the new curriculum text books. I also like watching movies and football, listening to gospel music, travelling and am also a church singer.

 As we wind up our interview, any advice you would give a student?

Yes. Students should know themselves first; make their own decisions and avoid peer pressure and choose their friends wisely.


The school transport system will face a major overhaul. A raft of changes were announced by former Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i in a bid to guarantee safety of minors as they commute between learning institutions and their homes.

 School bus yellow is a colour that was specifically formulated for use on school buses in North America in 1939. The color is now officially known in Canada and the U.S. as National School Bus Glossy Yellow and was originally called National School Bus Chrome. The pigment used for this color was, for a long time, the lead-containing chrome yellow.

 The color was chosen because it attracts attention and is noticed quickly in peripheral vision, faster than any other color. Scientists describe this as follows: “Lateral peripheral vision for detecting yellows is 1.24 times greater than for red.

 In April 1939, Dr. Frank W. Cyr, a professor at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York organized a conference that established national school-bus construction standards for the U.S., including the standard color of yellow for the school bus. It became known officially as “National School Bus Chrome”. The color was selected because black lettering on that hue was easiest to see in the semi-darkness of early morning.

 The conference met for seven days. The color was adopted by the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology] as Federal Standard No. 595a, Color 13432.

 The conference approach to school bus safety, as well as the yellow color, have endured into the 21st century. Dr. Cyr became known as the “Father of the Yellow School Bus.” Nowadays the color is used by almost all countries in the world.

The color the school chose to use is Panton 012C School Bus Yellow, Lead and Chrome free.

As we embrace the new curriculum, Standard 1 and 2 have acquired new tags. They will henceforth be referred to as Grade One and Grade Two. Our Grade 1 boys reported to school on Tuesday, 16th January 2018. Fresh and enthusiastic faces thronged the school main entrance in the company of their parents. This was going to be 2018’s Grade 1 the pioneers of the new curriculum’s first day of school . They enjoyed the company of their parents right up to the registration table where they were welcomed by the Head of Section and their Class Teacher. They were later taken through the class procedures and also familiarized themselves with the new school environment.

Tuesday, 9th January 2018 marked the beginning of Form 1 2018. Fresh and handsome faces full of expectations milled around the Form 1 classes in new uniform  and carrying bags full of new books. They were ushered into their classes by their Class Teachers at around 7:10 am ready to start the journey of 4 years. We wish them success.

Nowadays, Form One students do not wait for long to join secondary school thanks to the new changes by the Ministry of Education. Our Form One orientation was done on Saturday, 6th January 2018. The Form 1 students were welcomed by their Class Teachers who took them through the school procedures that will guide them during their stay in school. The form 4 captains further took them around the school as they familiarized themselves with the new environment where will spend their next 4 years.

Wednesday, 3rd January 2018 marked the beginning of the new school year. All secondary students gathered for a formal ceremony at 7:30 am and 10:30 am for primary pupils at the swimming pool area. The Heads of Sections, the Dean of Studies and the Deputy Principal addressed the boys. The speeches reflected on the successes of 2017 and the need to put more effort and overcome the few challenges encountered. The Principal opened the school officially in both assemblies where he welcomed the new students/pupils and the assistant teachers. He thanked the school for the success in 2017 especially with the KCPE and KCSE classes.

We wish the Standard 8 and Form 4 candidates 2018 success as they prepare for their final examinations in November.

Following the resignation of the Deputy Principal, Mr John Paul Siboe, with effect from Wednesday, 31st May, we are pleased to announce that the Strathmore School Board has made the following appointments:

Mr. Fredrick Mogusu
Mr. Frederick Mogusu (Deputy Principal)
Mr. John Paul Siboe (Outgoing Deputy Principal)










Mr Frederick Mogusu has been appointed the new Deputy Principal. Mr Mogusu, who is currently serving as Head of Secondary Section, joined Strathmore School in 2000. In 2008, he left Strathmore School to help in the founding of Bozindo School in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, an institution run along the same lines as Strathmore School. He returned to Strathmore in 2013 and was appointed Head of Secondary Section. Mr Mogusu, a Bachelor of Arts (French & Economics) holder from the University of Nairobi, will also continue with his duties as a teacher of French.

Mr. Alfred Odisa (Head of Secondary Section)

Replacing Mr Mogusu as Head of Secondary Section is Mr Alfred Odisa, currently serving as Deputy Head of Secondary Section. Mr Odisa, also Head of Kiswahili Department, has 19 years of teaching experience. He joined Strathmore School in 2009. Mr Odisa holds Bachelor of Education and Master of Education (Educational Administration) degrees from the University of Nairobi. He is also currently a Doctoral candidate in Educational Administration in the same university.

Mr. Andrew Karani
Mr. Andrew Karani (Deputy Head of Secondary Section)










Mr Andrew Karani will replace Mr Odisa as Deputy Head of Secondary Section. Mr Karani, currently serving as Sports Director and a past student of the school (Sportsman of the Year 2005), holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering (First Class Honours) from the University of Nairobi. He joined Strathmore School as a Computer Studies teacher in 2012.

These appointments will take effect on Thursday, 1st June 2017.

We  invite you to join us in wishing these gentlemen all the best in their new positions.

We would also like to most sincerely thank Mr Siboe for his invaluable contribution to the school as an assistant teacher, teacher, tutor and administrator. As a Deputy Principal, Mr Siboe proved to be an extremely hardworking, efficient, reliable and dependable Teacher, often going beyond his call of duty in service of the school. His services and presence in the school will be sorely missed.

We wish Mr Siboe God’s blessings and the best of luck in his new endeavours.


On Wednesday, 1st February 2017, Form 1 2017 parents attended their first meeting that was held in the common room. The meeting started at 3:45 pm. The aim of the meeting was to welcome parents and tell them how the school operates. The Principal introduced the Class Teachers and Subject Teachers of form 1 who were present. He went ahead to explain about the school before inviting the Head of Secondary section who talked about Academics and Discipline. The Head of the Tutorial Department had an opportunity to tell parents about the tutorials which help in a special way in understanding every individual boy in school. The Director of Hodari Club also got an opportunity to explain about the club and how they run their activities. The final speaker of the day was the School Chaplain who talked about the School Chaplaincy and how it helps to mould an individual to be able to grow academically and spiritually.

We wish the Form 1 parents all the best as they start their long journey in the school.

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