This year 27 students from the Primary section received their 1st Holy Communion on 17th May 2024.

It was a colourful occasion presided by the School Chaplain Fr. Francis Rimbau.

Families and friends to the boys joined in the witnessing, thanksgiving and celebration to this memorable event for the boys.

First Holy Communion is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church for Christian initiation. The Catholic faithful born a new by Baptism is nourished by the Eucharist.

Check this link for more about the sacraments. (

We are saddened of the sudden demise of Gyavira Otsambo Osundwa, one of our students, on, Sunday, 11th February 2024.
The Strathmore School family wish to convey our deepest condolences to the parents: Mr. Kizito Osundwa and Mrs. Lydia Diffu and their family on this great loss.

Gyavira joined Strathmore School in Grade 7 from All Saints Primary School and has proved to be a cheerful young man who got along very well with his classmates and teachers. He was also a very pious young man who regularly attended Mass in school. We shall all miss him dearly.

The loss of Gyavira is a big blow to the school community, especially to his classmates. The chaplaincy offered Mass for the repose of his soul.
We are all invited to pray for the repose of Gyavira’s soul.

Eternal Rest grant unto Gyavira O Lord, and may perpetual light shine on him forever!

This year’s celebration of the Body and Blood of Jesus in the school was well celebrated with families in the school donating flowers which were used to create a petal carpet where Our Lord would passed over as He was brought to the library forecourt where the whole school community was present.

The boys and teachers came together to do the artwork on the pathway before the petals were placed in a pattern to form a colourful petal carpet.

For the form 4 students, the ceremony was their last in school, had the opportunity to be present in the procession led by the Grade 3 boys who recently received First Holy Communion.

Our Lord remained exposed in the altar throughout the day till 7.30pm. This was to keep the tradition of 12 Hours with the Lord where parents, staff and students had sessions in the chapel to be with Our Lord in the exposed Eucharist from 7.30am to 7.30pm all having turns.

It was a wonderful Thursday!

Today we had mass to give thanks for the academic performance for the Standard 8 and Form 4 classes of 2022.

The chaplaincy organised to have mass at the courtyard next to the library. The mass was well attended by the former candidate classes, students and pupils, parents and teachers.

After the mass; the parents and former candidates were treated to snacks as they chatted and went down memory lane.

We thank God for the results and pray for the students to transition well to the next level in life.

The annual Corpus Christi Procession in the school this year was on Thursday June 16th. Students and teachers prepared for the procession by preparing the drawings and flower petal carpet on the path which Our Lord was carried through for the beginning of the ceremony. The whole school was involved including parents and some past students of the school; from the preparation of the procession to keeping Our Lord company.

The procession started off in the morning with the exposition and benediction at the library forecourt and ended in the evening at the school chapel. The school had 12 hours from 7am to 7pm with parents, students, staff members and past students taking turns in the chapel praying to Our Lord in the Eucharist.

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