2023 Rugby Season

Unlike all other seasons, this season saw the start of competitive rugby in Grade 7s(Under 13 years). This was a step forward by the administration to get the game into the young lads.

The U13s were not able to participate in any tournament but they had a friendly triangular tournament which featured RVA and Cavina School. It was a great afternoon to see the young players new in the game putting their best foot forward to win against both schools.

On a different scene; the Under 15 years (Form Ones) also had their share of introduction to the game. They had a chance of participating in the International schools league tournament. They started off by playing friendlies which they lost. At some point at the start of the season one would have easily gotten discouraged if there was need to have Form Ones play but as they played more games they were able to become better and display good quality rugby. In the ultimate Under 15s Tournament at RVA they became second losing the the defending champions St. Andrews School Turi by a 2 point margin in the finals.

For the Under 16 years (Form 2s) the boys participated in the Damu Changa league and Blackrock 10s tournament. These leagues exposed them to the game as they only had a chance to play 1 game in their Form 1 year. In the leagues they got ejected in the group stages and Quarter finals respectively. They displayed hope for the future of the game in the school!

For the seniors (Form 3s and Form 4s) the team had mixed fortune as the Team A 7s started off the season by winning Gold in the annual Hillcrest U19s 7s aside tournament. The team A also featured in the Nairobi County 15s, Prescott Cup 15s and Blackrock 10s tournament. In all the 3 tournaments they recorded minor losses and got ejected in Quarter finals, Group Stages and Quarter Finals respectively.

With all this action the school rugby team has a bright future worth looking forward to!

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