On the morning of May 23rd, 2024, past students from the first 8-4-4 class of 1989 visited the school . It was nostalgic as they walked around, rekindling their school days. They were met by the school principal Mr. John Muthiora and both current and former teachers. Among the teachers present were Mr. Raphael Gortazar, Mr. Caesar Peraza and Mr. Carlo Annoscia.

In addition to their visit they left a donation towards the activity block. The class has an Endowment Fund of Kshs. 1,508,930.

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Patrick Mwaniki Mbogo on 1st October 2023 after a sudden illness.

Mr. Mwaniki served as a teacher in Strathmore School between September 1982 and September 1994.
Strathmore School not only mourns the passing of a beloved educator, but also celebrates the life of a man who left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of generations! Mr. Mwaniki was more than a teacher; he was a mentor, a coach, and a beacon of wisdom, a man who dedicated his life to shaping not just the minds, but also the character; teaching the art of manliness through his words and deeds. The hundreds of boys he taught at Strathmore looked up and continue to look up to him with admiration and profound respect.

On the tennis court, Mr. Mwaniki imparted not only the skills of the game but also the virtues of discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanship. His coaching extended beyond the boundaries of the rugby field, where he moulded young men into a formidable team, instilling in them the virtues of teamwork, leadership, and the importance of giving their all.

But perhaps Mr. Mwaniki’s greatest gift was his ability to inspire his students to be responsible adults who cared for the little duties of each moment. He understood that true manhood was not just about physical prowess but about character, integrity, and a commitment to the betterment of oneself and the world.

Mr. Mwaniki’s dedication to his students was unparalleled! He was not just a teacher during school hours; he was a mentor who offered guidance, a shoulder to lean on, and a role model to look up to. His impact transcended the classroom, as he fostered a sense of responsibility and purpose in the young minds he touched. He moulded with love; sometimes with striking firmness, but always with love.

Indeed, as we mourn the loss of Mr. Mwaniki, we also celebrate the enduring legacy he leaves behind. The boys he taught and inspired have grown into responsible adults who carry his teachings and example with them, not only in their professional lives but also in their character, their dedication to the little duties of every day, and their commitment to making the world a better place.

Though Mr. Mwaniki may no longer be with us in person, his lessons and his spirit will continue to guide generations to come. In the hearts and actions of the countless lives he touched, he lives on as a shining example of the art of manliness and responsible adulthood.

Rest in peace, dear Mr. Mwaniki, knowing that your impact on the world is immeasurable, and your legacy, eternal!

Our alumnus Josemaría Form 4 Class of 2019 last April 15, 2023, he had the privilege to represent his school, the University of Manchester in UK in an annual competition of aerospace engineering students in Dayton Ohio, USA, called “IT FLIES 2023!” Incidentally, Josemaría told us that it was in Dayton that the first aircraft was invented and flown by the Wright brothers in 1903.

The good news is that his team, composed of himself and his classmate, bagged the Most Innovative Aircraft Design. They also won 3rd prize in Best Project Presentation! Their aircraft was “flown” and assessed in a flight simulator by pilots from the U.S. Air Force. It was not enough to design a plane but it has to be able to “fly” in the engineering flight simulator. The judges were experienced test pilots from the US Air Force. Josemaría’s team spent 3 long months doing intensive calculations on this project. Finally, they came up with a 6th generation fighter jet with supersonic cruising speed of Mach>2 and optimized for very low combat maneuvers to avoid radar detection. They were also thankful to Manchester University for funding the trip; it was their first time in the US and they were so thrilled.

On May 5, the newsletter of Manchester University’s School of Engineering, their home for Engineering is the largest in the UK, featured Josemaría and team mate on the front page for “outstanding performance on the IT Flies competition” of their students.

Josemaría remains ever grateful for the foundation got from Strathmore School! We wish his the very best in his Engineering efforts!

Silvano Borruso(1934 – 2022) was among the first members of staff at Strathmore College (later Strathmore School). For 60 years he gave himself tirelessly in the formation of the thousands of the young people who passed through his hands at Strathmore. We can keep his legacy alive by contributing to the SILVANO BORRUSO MEMORIAL FUND to enable bright children from needy backgrounds enjoy an education at Strathmore.

Contributions can be made in the following ways:

1. Through M-pesa:
Pay Bill Number: 561550

2. Bank Deposit:
Account Number: 03-045-5316235
Swift Code: BARCKENX

3. Cheque
Payable to

Eternally grateful to God for the gift of Silvano Borruso.

Silvano, one of our founding teachers, peacefully departed this life into God’s presence on 1st January 2022. He not only helped in designing the school grounds but also joined the founding staff when the school opened its doors in 1961.

He selflessly dedicated himself to the formation of generations of students in the school and in the apostolate of Opus Dei on Kenya and East Africa.

Silvano served in various capacities in the school; bursar, mentor and teacher. He taught Biology, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Religion an Ethics. He loved taking care of the environment and wrote many books.

His requiem mass was in school on Saturday 8th January 2022 followed by interment at Lang’ata Cemetry. The mass and interment was streamed live.

Eternal rest grant unto Silvano Borruso Oh God and may perpetual light shine upon him forever. Amen!

After a five year campaign to raise money for their Alma mater, the class of 2000 decided to meet at the school to celebrate and to catch up after 20 years over lunch in the dining hall and an informal get-together in the common room.
Mr. Muthiora thanked them for their generosity and updated them on the good that the fund is doing and will continue to do in the future.
Dr. Vincent Ogutu, who was the deputy principal in the year 2000, spoke as a past student who benefited from a scholarship, He explained how studying in Strathmore changed his life and the life of his family.
Other past teachers who spoke to them were Dr. John Ainsley who encouraged them to continue living the principals they learnt here.  Fr. Joe Babendrier welcomed them to come over for a chat if ever they want priestly attention.
The past students briefly spoke about simple as well as amazing things they are up to and Mr. Muthiora noted that based on the valedictory speech made for their class 20 years ago, at a time when schools were burning, they are keeping their promise to make a difference in the country. They had an enriching discussion that almost ended at sunset.
At the end Collins Ongore, on behalf of the class handed over a dummy cheque of Kshs 1,000,000 to Mr. John Muthiora, this being their contribution to the Strathmore School Endowment Fund.

On Saturday 16th October 2021 the Form 4 class of 2011 had their reunion. From 10am to 5pm they were in school together like in the old times in school. They were 35 who physically attended.

They had a get together in the common room. Each had a chance to speak and give an update on what they are up to.

The teachers were represented by Mr. Maina, Mr. Gortazar, Mr. Muthiora and Fr. Joe. Fr. Joe led with prayers for the deceased members of the class. The class has 4 members deceased: Paul Korros, Brian Kiambati, Patrick Maina and Kevin Muthee.

Mr. Muthiora spoke of his memories of the class, marriage and commitment in marriage.

They had lunch and played rugby, soccer and basketball to recap the good memories spent together in school.

We wish the Form 4 Class of 2011 all the best!

On the 15th September 2021, Fr. Clavin Akunga celebrated the usual 11.50am mass in school. He is an alumnus of the class of Form 4 2002. He was accompanied by his brother Conrad Akunga alumnus class of Form 4 1998. Fr. Clavin Started his journey in Strathmore School from Standard 1 in 1991 and ended it in Form 4 2002. He was ordained to the priesthood at the Our Lady Queen of Peace Church South B on Sunday 22 August 2021 at the 11.30am mass. He was ordained priest by the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya Archbishop Van Megen.

Fr. Calvin is a priest of the Missionaries of Africa.

We accompany Fr. Calvin with prayers and wish him blessings and fruitfulness in his Pastoral duties.

The Form 4 class of 1989(8-4-4) had a reunion afternoon that coincided with the thanksgiving mass for the results of Form 4 and Standard 8 class of 2019. They had lunch and chats with the current students. They started an endowment fund (1989.8-4-4 class) with a cheque of ksh 500,000 presented to the principal.

Support our bursary fund!